Everybody Needs A Coach

Everybody Needs A Coach

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Coaches are not the experts.

Coaches are the guides.

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Coaches listen to you.

Coaches give you perspective.

Coaches transform you.

Coaches help you create more impact.

This is why Bill Gates presented a TED talk on this very topic, stating that “Everyone needs a coach.”

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Coaches create EXPONENTIAL growth. See graph below.

Coaches shift your thinking.

And these mindshifts create the biggest impact.

“The very mindsets that have made you successful in life and business can be precisely what’s holding you back from the next level of success.” – Rich Litvin

Have you got a coach?

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If you want fuel your growth, you should know that I am currently taking 1:1 coaching clients and have two masterminds running for creative professionals.

The Value of Exponential Coaching

1 thought on “Everybody Needs A Coach”

  1. I totally agree that everyone needs a coach for better guidance. my skills are into graphic design. i live in Pune and love training people who wish to learn graphic design in Pune.

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