How to Get to 10k Followers on Instagram

How to Get to 10k Followers on Instagram

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The 10,000 follower mark is a nice little milestone on Instagram simply because once passing 10k, you can add links to your stories which makes everyone’s life that much easier.

10,000 followers is a nice goal to aspire to, and I had set out to grow my following from 5k to 10k within 6 months. I did it in just 3.

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To put this in perspective, it took me 3 years to get to 5000 followers, but just 3 months to get to 10,000.

Here are the “secrets” that I used to grow my Instagram to 10k by applying effort to the areas that matter most.


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How to get 10,000 Followers on Instagram

1. Choose a niche & style of account

Choose a niche and decide if you will post original content or curated content. Or both? Will your content be inspirational or educational content? Or both?

2. Craft valuable content

Before posting your next post, ask what value it will provide others, both in the visual and caption.

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3. Be Social

It is called social media after all. Engage with others, DM them, share their work, offer your advice. This is the biggest key to growth in my opinion and something I ignored for so long. It takes the most time, but is the best way to grow.

4. Craft an engaging bio

You bio should explain what you do, communicate your value and show off any clout that you may have, such as clients or awards.

5. Make use of highlights

Highlights are the best way to show what knowledge you have and what topics you talk about. Make the highlight images consistent and ensure it communicates your value straight away.

6. Have a friendly photo

A human face is so engaging, so ensure you have a professional photo. Consider adding a pop of color behind yours to stand out in the feed. If you’re a business, ensure your logo is optimized for a small space, with maximum contrast.

7. Utilize hashtags

See what popular accounts are using for their hash tags. Experiment them with your own and try different tools and apps.

Extra “hacks”

  • Before posting, engage with similar content & hashtags on your feed. eg. if you’re posting a logo, engage with other logo posts.
  • Reply to comments and hearts quickly.
  • Offer a freebie in return for a comment.

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Have you got to 10 thousand followers on Instagram? How did you get 10,000 followers?

5 thoughts on “How to Get to 10k Followers on Instagram”

  1. Bro I started my Instagram page about 2 months ago and I’ve got 125 posts with a themed page and I do about 2-6 paragraphs of a caption for each one. I also leave roughly 60-80 comments on random posts per day and like every single one. I also only use hashtags on my posts that are between 10k-150k posts. The problem I’m facing is I get less than 250 reach on every single post, it’s very sad and I haven’t reached the explorer page once yet. Man I have no idea what I am doing wrong but it’s absolutely demoralizing with how much time I put into creating my images/commenting/etc. I think you should take a peek at my account and see if you can give me some pointers. before judging the name of the account, hit the link in my bio real quick and you’ll know I named it that, it goes PERFECT with my niche.

    • Hey Garrett,
      I had a look at the profile and to be honest it just seems like random quotes. Who is running the account? What are you offering that others are not? It just doesn’t seem so personal so the connection is not made. Try more DMS too. What are your goals from using the platform? What value are you trying to provide others and WHY?

      • Appreciate the response! I’ve already had success with entrepreneurship. Now its my turn to help others stay on the right track, which is what the page is all about. Each quote has a long description in the caption that talks about each one. Here’s the thing, there are hundreds of pages like mine wih huge audiences and they grow on a daily basis. Mine however, does not grow and it makes no sense. I spend 4-6 hours a day on just this one account being social, chatting eith others, liking/commenting, and I post roughly 3-4 times a day. Just doesn’t make any sense why their pages grow but mine never does.

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