Free Classes with Skillshare

Free Classes with Skillshare

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I’ve been receiving some great feedback about the courses & tutorials over on SkillShare and wanted to remind you that you can get 1 month of premium membership for free.

I’ve been browsing the site and wanted to share some new & popular classes you should check out, including free ones that you don’t need a premium membership for. Everyone loves free!

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Typography That Works: Typographic Composition and Fonts (Free)

Thinking with Type

Ellen Lupton, AIGA gold medalist and author of Thinking with Type (and many others), walks us through how to work with type; structure, composition and the intricacies that will set you apart from other designers.

Prototyping for Web I: Information, UX, and Paper Prototypes (Free)

Prototyping for the Web

Erica Heinz from InVision walks us through the 6 steps of rapid prototyping in this free class. You will learn how to start any web design project quickly & efficiently.

Cohesive Hand Lettering (Premium)

Cohesive Hand Lettering

Mary-Kate McDevitt is SkillShare’s most popular teacher ever and has just published a new class this week on cohesive hand lettering, going from a single element to a full system.

There are tons more free & premium classes in their design & art section so go check SkillShare out and make use of their 3 free months of membership! Enjoy.

[Cyber Monday Deals LIVE!]
[Cyber Monday Deals LIVE!]