[Podcast] The Brand Mindset with Ezequiel Abramzon

[Podcast] The Brand Mindset with Ezequiel Abramzon

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Ezequiel Abramzon is a brand strategist who spent 20+ years working as an executive at Disney as a marketer and strategist running digital across LATAM and later overseeing global creative from the UK.

He now lives in Spain where he works as a consultant helping entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial companies transform the way they see their business by unlocking their brand mindset.

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And brand mindset is the focus of this episode.

We explore what a brand mindset is and why businesses need it.

We go deep into the 6 traits of a brand mindset and explore how to develop each trait. We also pick Ezequiel’s brains on how to keep a mindset on track – both for yourself and your team.

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