[Podcast] Million Dollar Consulting with Alan Weiss

[Podcast] Million Dollar Consulting with Alan Weiss

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Who better to learn about consulting from than “the consultant’s consultant” Alan Weiss?

Alan wrote the famous best-selling book “Million Dollar Consultant” and is the author of over 60 books on consulting and business.

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In this episode, Matt and Jacob sit down with Alan to discuss how the principles of Alan’s books can be applied to brand strategy. We explore why a consultancy is a good option, different consulting approaches, how to sell it, and how to grow a consulting practice. We go deep into value-based billing and show how selling time is a terrible idea.


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Learn Brand Strategy

Best Brand Strategy Course Online

Brand Master Secrets helps you become a brand strategist and earn specialist fees. And in my opinion, this is the most comprehensive brand strategy course on the market.

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The course gave me all the techniques and processes and more importantly… all the systems and tools I needed to build brand strategies for my clients.

This is the consolidated “fast-track” version to becoming a brand strategist.

I wholeheartedly endorse this course for any designer who wants to become a brand strategist and earn specialist fees.

Check out the 15-minute video about the course, which lays out exactly what you get in the Brand Master Secrets.

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